Wits End Pulses

Premium pulses grown and sold directly from a sixth generation family farm near Rupanyup, in Victoria's Wimmera.

What's it all about?

Wits End is situated near Rupanyup, in the heart of Victoria's Wimmera.
3 hours from Melbourne it makes for a nice little drive and we think it's pretty beaut!

Our sixth generation family farm started growing pulse crops as a rotation alternative in the early 80's to the more traditional cereals. The methods in which to farm these pulses have improved dramatically since their inception. Our lentils and chickpeas have proven a great success and are now an integral part of our farming operation.

We love our pulses and we hope to share their value with as many as possible. Not only do they taste great it seems people are catching on that they're good for you too!

And now we want to share the love.

For those who want to know where their food comes from and who grew it, come on this ride with us! Wits End produce is grown by us, the farmer and we would love to help educate the masses on what we do.

We love our land and by undertaking sustainable farming practices means we hope to still be here in another six generations time.

We invite you to share our lovely produce and value where it came from.


Where to go?

We deliver our product anywhere within AUSTRALIA.

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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.